Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Pictures Of Kitty Cats

This is my little Toe-Biter, Bobbie. Actually her full name is Roberta Appassioniqua Fifi Hogan.

She isn't alway bad or angry, in fact, sometimes she's extremely sweet just not for very long at least not long enough to photograph. Her bad and destructive antics are far more photogenic.

Here, she's just sitting and staring into space quietly planning to attack the toilet paper roll in the bathroom or run across the kitchen floor sliding into the refrigerator with a thud as her little skull hits the door.

This is my old kitty, Stinky. Her full name is Stinkerella Fifi Louise Hogan. The picture below is by far my best version of her, I think it captures her wildness and sense of play!

Below, her calico body blends effortlessly as she seems to float on the patterned home-made quilt beneath her. I miss my Stinky. She lives with her other Daddy in Minneapolis.

Flowers, kitty cats - what next? Babies. Excellent guess!

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