Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Dear Diary,

The sad part is, this is really all he can do with PhotoShop...poor Fat Daddy.

TUNA JUICE! I made Fat Daddy buy TUNA JUICE! All I did is act totaly crazy any time he opened a can of well, anything. Today Fat Daddy came home from the Grocery Store with 'cans' of tuna not those stupid, dry 'pouches.' So I got all the TUNA JUICE I could gargle. I did't see him eat the tuna so I guess he bought it all for me.

I'm such a smart Kitty! And SO pretty, pretty, pretty. Fat Daddy built a pedestal covered in my favorite pillows in the Living Room window behind the sofa. Some days I only leave my perch to eat and poop. Sort of like Fat Daddy, come to think of it.

Oh well, time for four more hours of sleep!

Stinkerella Fifi Louise Hogan


jungle dream pagoda said...

I'm lovin' the photo shop,kinda vintage paint by numbers Stinkarella

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